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Everything posted by Whoops

  1. Will be removed over the weekend and 4D1 used with high XP (to level fast).
  2. Bad Company 2 - not a bad game!

    1. Xerin


      the normal rush server seems to get a fair few players on

    2. Whoops


      Yeah, weekends good

    3. Xerin


      nights aswell

  3. Whoops


    Server on test. Most on the Nexus server list are RUSH or CONQUEST, different game style for some. Could be fun.
  4. Whoops

    AMIDA 4D1

    Servers will be added the next few days.
  5. Test server is up. You should be able to find it once you browse the server list on the 4D1 network. Make a copy of your steam folder and then use the client files http://fourdeltaone.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=18889 gametracker is unable to track the server.
  6. We now have 2 of each. Closing topic.
  7. Weird. Must be something on their network causing it.
  8. The two HC servers are not working?
  9. You can import old stats http://fourdeltaone.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=22209
  10. aIW folder and then use the 4D1 files.
  11. Whoops

    DARA Added

    A new mod VIETNAM added. A bit like WaW! (World at War aka COD5). Guess good with a change for 45min of play and then go back to normal
  12. If interest is there. If you have regular players and they come here, it will be considered.
  13. Happy New Year and best wishes for 2013!
  14. Server should be back online tonight. Down for some general maintenance.
  15. Whoops


    The new conquest server populated at around 2am and busy till morning or until it crashed . Both servers are fairly stable but needs restarting nightly or until it goes offline caused by a crash. We hope it will become more stable over time. Whilst online - it is good fun! so go and get the Nexus files!
  16. Whoops


    Server keeps crashing or 'shutdown'. The unranked server got the latest server files, it is a bit weird as it worked fine for a couple of days and then suddenly... it just wont play with us. No time now to check but will do later in the week.
  17. Whoops


    Server on test since yesterday. Been very popular and you can see the stats for yourself. It did crash last night but this evening has been OK. We are not sending out any auto messages or RCON stuff just yet. We want to see and monitor performance. Server is doing well.
  18. Nexus server online. Visit their website to read the FAQ.
  19. We will be joning the Nexus network soon and will at least have one conquest 32 slots and a rush 32 slots server. http://forums.emulat...om/bf/#Download You can make a copy of your existing Steam version or DVD. Google is your friend.
  20. Use aRev version. Just use the 'old' folder but with the aRev files on top.
  21. Yes, that should work. The iBerianOps server is not stable though. We have a server up already but probably give it another week (server side) as it keeps going offline.
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