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Everything posted by HaxorISay

  1. and that is why its an unfair advantage so dont use it..
  2. 1) Guns like the USP, Magnum, M21 EBR, and the Bawett can be used for rapid firing without scripts. You see me rapid firing with them sometimes. Alkaline used a Deagle which is a bitch to rapid fire with. I can shoot my Deagle fast enough but not like Alkaline (My mouse is a razer mamba, spamming the Left click is easy). 2) Secret places like? name some. some places are "secret" but everyone knows about them. Most people/admins here want players to stop glitching to get somewhere ( like the pillars on karachi)
  3. gl. oma is not that annoying without it and its good for tactical gameplay
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXgK2NRq6-Q&feature=feedu
  5. http://imageshack.us/f/248/62324959.jpg/
  6. i want to read "Dracula" by Bram Stoker, "The Strange Case Of Dr. Jekyl And Mr. Hyde" by Stevenson and Robert Louis, and Goethe's "Faust"
  7. i noticed something on ED 5. At first it didnt rotate it was afghan only. Next day Salvage only.
  8. maybe its your connections. i dont seem to be having that problem
  9. Holy Sh- I remember Burton!!! Such a shame though I got my Eradicator and Scrin Army.
  10. OK first off I knew you abused there was no reason to explain how you abuse others. I could have some more pictures with you but i was forgiving at the time. seeing how people don't understand how much i hate to post pictures with them cursing for everyone to see well.... you think i am pleased by doing that? But for now I can post a reminder ; A month back I believe we were playing on: Map - Crash Game Type - MW2, Search n Destroy. i join and you were playing. Then you started calling someone nigga. i told you to stop. you said "blow me nigga". I then insisted for you to stop but you mocked me even more. After that i had nothing more to say, i just reported you. And yesterday when you joined on ED 5 domination, and me and MOS where playing, i told you that he should probably ban you because you abuse others and bla bla bla you know the story. And now you have the nerve to make a thread and complain about it? wow.
  11. OH really?!?!? well here is MY answer : Black holes can be destroyed at the same amout of energy is submitted to explosion inside it making its gravity weaker. there is no picture so you picture something like that! I WIN
  12. do any of these destroy the nano bots? and if not, i am sure some oxygen acetylene will do the trick
  13. not if i cut the strings or whatever they're called
  14. i couldnt find an emp picture. oh well, just imagine one
  15. Grrrrrrrr.... Uuummm..... cant think of anything other than this
  16. so yours is some gem or something eh???? :S well, this beats gems!!!!!1!11one!.... i think... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Seabees_compactor_roller.jpg or second option's a diamond drill. i cant find a picture though :/
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