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Everything posted by TheMoS

  1. Beetles are simple cars to repair/fix. Also, parts are readily available from the large support network of suppliers. modern cars, while still basically the same, reply alot more on electronics (esp. BMW's) so a different point of view is needed, alot more diagnosis equipment for example. air cooled simple engines, removed with just a troley jack, chassic-off construction - easy mechanics
  2. Thanks End - i need it I've got a Ford Focus estate for everyday use - but it's no fun working on that thing!
  3. I'm in the process of restoring a 1964 'small window' VW Beetle. i know nothing about cars BUT i'm learning as i go. It's a present for my wife, she loves them, i wanted to have a 'hobby' at home so i bought this! So far, she's been stripped down, 95% of the welding done, currently being re-wired. Next, interior refit then engine overhaul inc 12v conversion. Refit engine, test, pull out engine, do body work, sand, paint (my mate owns a paint shop), rebuild, engine back in, interior finished, etc..etc. Sounds so easy when i type it i don't have a plan/schedule, just doing bits when i can here and there. Money is the big issue. Not doing a FULL restoration, just want a useable everyday car at the end of it, not a showroom model. Going to be a sort of classic 'CAL' look i reckon by the time it's done.
  4. saw a R5 and DVD rip appear on the NZB sites, i'll add it to my list of stuff to watch!
  5. plus, i's always vote against ANYTHING with forever spelt with an 'A' on the end, innit.
  6. Personally, shared damage will only inflame the battle of words and will have people constantly calling each other names, shouting 'noob' etc. On or OFF i see it.
  7. no probs baberzz, seems ok at the mo!
  8. i've cranked mine up to 1280 now...
  9. 'unknown cmd Score' when using tab in-game - any ideas?
  10. I'd like to know how you know this to be true? This is how the game has been released, it's not been mod'd or changed in anyway - it's as it is from the developers. You may not like that type of game play but it's part of the game as released. Not everyone agrees hence why there are other servers who may not have this. It comes back to the point, if you don't like it, why not set up your own server with your own settings - especially if there's that many people who want it.
  11. If you don't like the game - don't play? i don't see what the big issue is, it was designed that way so you play by the games rules. if you don't like it, i'm, sure there tons of other servers. go cry somewhere else.
  12. PC gaming seems so expensive, constantly upgrading, spending more. horses for courses though...
  13. Cracking work Baberzzz - I'm new to MW2 and was looking for an easy way to open the ED servers without favs i'm used to in COD4
  14. I liked the "out of my mind" quote - chill. Hope u stay on the messageboard and join the community!
  15. Exec Produced by Spielberg, looks like a cross between Jurassic Park and Avatar Trailer 1 Trailer 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6pjr5zy7Kg Nothing has been as good as 'Lost' and "24" though....
  16. Got the first 3 on my media centre - in the list of stuff to watch!
  17. you tried different browsers? which one u using? don't think it's the hosts file, once thats mod'd you'd never get access to those sites. Failing what, Get malwarebytes, Turn system restore off (IMPORTANT) update it, reboot into safemode and run a FULL scan. Sounds a bit suspicious...
  18. i re-installed me PC from scratch last week, used daemon tools, didn't take that long for cod4 > 1.6 patch > 1.6-1.7 patch.
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