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Couple of website/ game updates


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First thing first. We have disabled a few mods that we have been testing for the last few weeks. That includes the 'thank you/ dislike' mod, classifieds and others. The thank you mod did not really serve any purpose. The classified section was good but buggy and more geared towards an older version of setup. I guess less mods is good as it may improve on forum performance.

Remember, you have the 'reputation' icon, this can be used to 'thank you' a post etc. Other mods are being tested but still in beta.

Provider is moving their last customers to their new data centre, hence delay with our own HDD's and the completion of the server move. We still have IP's and hardware outstanding. The COD4's can not be brought back online until we get the HDD's.

2x MW2 servers are hosted on the SSD disk (apart from the OS), no other games or more will be hosted on the SSD. Instead, we are considering adding more SSD's in the future. Server can take 4 disks. The setup currently main drive SSD, second SATA, third SATA. We hope server will be sorted this week so that we can prepare for the Christmas rush!!!

We have been testing a few styles. Our aim is to hae 2-3 + a mobile style for users to choose from. That way you should be able to view the site from any device - no excuses LOL.

Edited by Whoops
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